
Monday, 17 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey

I just opened up my email to find three new emails of comments from Taya's blog posts that Jordan from The Summer Learning Journey had posted. What a great start Taya. Here is one of Jordan's comments below. I am impressed how quickly Jordan responds and how she asks a question so that you are able to reply to her comment. Enjoy the journey Room 1 - it looks amazing.

Jordan has left a new comment on your post "SLJ North and South Activity 2 week 1": 

Kia Ora Taya,

Thanks for taking the time to tell us a little bit about your hometown. You're right, Papakura has incredibly beautiful land. I only started working in Papakura last year, so have grown quite fond of it! What is your favourite part of Papakura?
I understand what you mean when you say that it sometimes has unusual weather— I live 25km South of Papakura and we experience 4 seasons in a day there— one minute it is SO hot and then the next it is pouring down with rain. 
There are a lot of schools in Papakura! In our cluster (Kootuitui) we work with 6 schools— do you have any friends that go to other schools? 

I look forward to your response :)



Sunday, 16 December 2018

Room 1 2018 Principal's Award - Amani-Grace Shaw

Principal's Award 2018 - An enthusiastic attitude towards learning across all curriculum areas along with an inquisitive mind.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Sonshine Ranch by Ryleigh

Sonshine Ranch Sonshine Ranch was usual enough: it had horse riding, zip lining, a rope line, a huge playground with a long slide. There were baby bunnies that we got to pat and hold. There was rock climbing and a pitch black tunnel and goats that liked pink flowers. My horse was named Sapphire which was a world champion. There were seven baby bunnies. I had a great time at Sonshine Ranch.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

SLJ Paying it Forward

If I could travel back in time to the 1930s I would give the family lollies (milk bottles), a bed for each person, a house with a bedroom for each member of the familiy with a swimming pool, suncream, perky nanas, a cellphone, a playstation, movies, a barbie doll for a girl and bey blades for the boys, a microwave, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a dryer and a scooter.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Scooter Skills Day with the Middle School and Auckland Transport

Thank you Taya for creating a slideshow on Scooter Skills Day with Auckland Transport.

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Scooter day...

Some very important lessons we learnt when fitting a helmet - make sure you are present when mum, dad and whanau are purchasing a helmet for you so that it can be fitted correctly. It doesn't need to be expensive but it does need to fit properly. This poster demonstrates the 2, 4, and 1 helmet safety rule - ask your child to explain this to you. Check out the latest newsletter with a couple more photos. Thanks seniors and middle school students for your helpon the day. It was great so see students with scooters. 

Scooter Day Thursday 28th November

We were thin on scooter day photos but here is a great photo of Marianne from Auckland Transport and Charlotte Ready teaching Room 1 how to wear a helmet correctly. Check out the next post how to and please comment.

Sonshine Ranch update

Thank you to everyone that was able to offer to help for the day. We look forward to our trip to Sonshine Ranch and hope that everyone can attend. The money is due Monday 3rd December (Monday of this Week - Week 8) A reminder to all - the trip is on Tuesday 11th December.

Be a Reading Rock Star!

Just a gentle reminder to read every day. Every student in Room 1 has a Be a Reading Rock Star! sheet in their reading book. Each time you read a book please colour in one star and have your parent's sign - I know Amani-Grace's mum signed just underneath as there isn't really space on the star too.
ALL readers are due back on Wednesday of Week 8 - please have a search under beds, in drawers etc and see if you have any lying around. They can be returned to the box outside Room 2. Thanks very much as each year a lot of readers go missing. Library books will also need returning soon.