I just opened up my email to find three new emails of comments from Taya's blog posts that Jordan from The Summer Learning Journey had posted. What a great start Taya. Here is one of Jordan's comments below. I am impressed how quickly Jordan responds and how she asks a question so that you are able to reply to her comment. Enjoy the journey Room 1 - it looks amazing.
Jordan has left a new comment on your post "SLJ North and South Activity 2 week 1":
Kia Ora Taya,
Thanks for taking the time to tell us a little bit about your hometown. You're right, Papakura has incredibly beautiful land. I only started working in Papakura last year, so have grown quite fond of it! What is your favourite part of Papakura?
I understand what you mean when you say that it sometimes has unusual weather— I live 25km South of Papakura and we experience 4 seasons in a day there— one minute it is SO hot and then the next it is pouring down with rain.
There are a lot of schools in Papakura! In our cluster (Kootuitui) we work with 6 schools— do you have any friends that go to other schools?
I look forward to your response :)
Monday, 17 December 2018
Sunday, 16 December 2018
Room 1 2018 Principal's Award - Amani-Grace Shaw
Principal's Award 2018 - An enthusiastic attitude towards learning across all curriculum areas along with an inquisitive mind.
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Sonshine Ranch by Ryleigh
Sonshine Ranch
Sonshine Ranch was usual enough: it had horse riding, zip lining, a rope line, a huge playground with a long slide. There were baby bunnies that we got to pat and hold. There was rock climbing and a pitch black tunnel and goats that liked pink flowers. My horse was named Sapphire which was a world champion. There were seven baby bunnies. I had a great time at Sonshine Ranch.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
SLJ Paying it Forward
If I could travel back in time to the 1930s I would give the family lollies (milk bottles), a bed for each person, a house with a bedroom for each member of the familiy with a swimming pool, suncream, perky nanas, a cellphone, a playstation, movies, a barbie doll for a girl and bey blades for the boys, a microwave, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a dryer and a scooter.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Scooter Skills Day with the Middle School and Auckland Transport
Thank you Taya for creating a slideshow on Scooter Skills Day with Auckland Transport.
Saturday, 1 December 2018
Scooter day...
Some very important lessons we learnt when fitting a helmet - make sure you are present when mum, dad and whanau are purchasing a helmet for you so that it can be fitted correctly. It doesn't need to be expensive but it does need to fit properly. This poster demonstrates the 2, 4, and 1 helmet safety rule - ask your child to explain this to you. Check out the latest newsletter with a couple more photos. Thanks seniors and middle school students for your helpon the day. It was great so see students with scooters.
Scooter Day Thursday 28th November
We were thin on scooter day photos but here is a great photo of Marianne from Auckland Transport and Charlotte Ready teaching Room 1 how to wear a helmet correctly. Check out the next post how to and please comment.
Sonshine Ranch update
Thank you to everyone that was able to offer to help for the day. We look forward to our trip to Sonshine Ranch and hope that everyone can attend. The money is due Monday 3rd December (Monday of this Week - Week 8) A reminder to all - the trip is on Tuesday 11th December.
Be a Reading Rock Star!
Just a gentle reminder to read every day. Every student in Room 1 has a Be a Reading Rock Star! sheet in their reading book. Each time you read a book please colour in one star and have your parent's sign - I know Amani-Grace's mum signed just underneath as there isn't really space on the star too.
ALL readers are due back on Wednesday of Week 8 - please have a search under beds, in drawers etc and see if you have any lying around. They can be returned to the box outside Room 2. Thanks very much as each year a lot of readers go missing. Library books will also need returning soon.
ALL readers are due back on Wednesday of Week 8 - please have a search under beds, in drawers etc and see if you have any lying around. They can be returned to the box outside Room 2. Thanks very much as each year a lot of readers go missing. Library books will also need returning soon.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Discovery with a Christmas Theme
Room 1 have been creating a Christmas slide for Discovery - Taya was the first finished. It is full of fun activities. Thanks Taya. Please leave a comment.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Whe I saw Ryleigh's slide I wished I was lying under her palm tree. This is very effective using a google image and then burning a separat picture to insert into our background.
Please leave a comment.
Life as an animal
Taya was quick to create 2 slides using background burning. First of all we found a google image to use as our background, then we found an image which we then used background burn on, added a callout and wrote some text inside it and we were finished. Check out some of our Room 1's blogs and please leave a comment.
I'm a Flying Unicorn
Here is another example from a Room 1 student of background burning. Koshik I love the background and the picture of the unicorn (after you burnt the background). It looks very colourful.
Life's a beach
Our last session with Angela today. A big shout out to Angela for all the learning throughout the year. Today Room 1 learnt how to remove the background. We were also reminded about using images that are labelled for non-comercial reuse with modification so that we are not using pictures that have copyright rights. By the way this is mine - I gave it a go!
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Scooter Skills
This Thursday 29th November the Middle School are being taught scooter skills in half-hour blocks - here is the schedule:
Room 14 9-930
Room 2 930-10
Room 11 10-1030
Room 12 1-1130
Room 1 1130-12
Thank you Taya for creating this fabulous poster.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Counting Up
Room 1 have been learning how to use a strategy called counting up with an online number line. Here is Abhi's counting up number line.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Koshik's Swim Notice on Screencastify
Trey and Kaizer took some snaps of Room 1 swimming. Here is a reminder - we are swimming Monday to Thursday.
Swimming Notice
In Room 1 we created a notice for swimming which we then recorded onto screenastify. Here is Josiah's notice before recording it onto screencastify.
Pool on the Beach with a Slide - Discovery - Amani-Grace
In Discovery Amani-Grace and her mum brought in a lot of recycling items (thank you very much). First of all Amani-Grace glued her creation together, used paper mache and paint to come up with this amazing piece of art - Pool on the Beach with a Slide.I look forward to seeing the rest of the creations from Room 1 - remember to post them on your blog!
Saturday, 17 November 2018
Amani-Grace Crazy Hair Day Certificate
Amani-Grace's hair looked incredible on Wacky Hair Day. I loved the Christmas tree. Students you are all so lucky to have such talented parents to think of all the amazing ideas for your hair.
Wacky Hair Day
Telesia-June had an amazing hair-style on Crazy Hair Day. Cruze her brother's hair was incredible too. Check out the photo of TJ in our school newsletter - 16th November 2018
Taya and Telesia-June - screencastify Swimming Notice
Taya and Telesia-June enjoyed sharing their skills learnt using screencastify. Please watch and leave a comment. Remember swimming is Monday to Thursday Term 4.
Multicultural Festival Friday 23rd November 2018
Ryleigh created a poster to inform everyone about our PCS Multicultural Festival this Friday. At 5pm-7pm there are food stalls, games... and from 7-8pm the students from PCS school are performing. Our very own Room 1 are performing with the rest of the middle syndicate in a song title Paradise which we are singing and signing to. See you there!
Amani - Screencastify - Snake vs Iguana writing
On Thursday we learnt how to use screencastify. The students were very hyped and were so enthusiastic about sharing their learning via screencastify. Please watch this video and leave a comment.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
2018 Duffy Summer Reading
Remember the $5 2018 Duffy Summer Reading form has to be back tomorrow (Friday 16th November)
Such a great deal!
Such a great deal!
Travelwise Celebration
The Travelwise Celebration
By Taya
Finally the train stopped and we can hop off. Wondering what I’m talking about, I’ll explain it. So me, my teacher Mrs Campbell, Amani-Grace, Amani-Grace’s mum, Telesia-June, Trey, Alayna, Franki, Lauren, Olivet, Hayley, Riley, Teri-Rose and Leslie on the 9th of November went to a Travelwise Celebration. I will tell you about Travelwise if you don’t know what travelwise is. Travelwise is a program to make schools travel safer, healthier and funner. Anyways let’s get back into the celebration. So me and all the others traveled from Papakura to Britomart. If you know what the Cloud is you will know what I’m talking about, so we went to the Cloud and had a packet of chips and two cookies for morning tea. Yum! The first activity started at 11:00 am but before we left the Cloud to the Maritime Museum, they announced the winners for Gold, Silver and Bronze. But guess what Papakura Central School came Bronze along with heaps of other schools. Time passed by while we were hunting the answers to old things. The one that I liked was the Sir Peter Blake with his red socks because we got a badge for Sir Peter Blake. At 12:00pm it was lunch, average lunch but at 12:00 pm instead of 12:30 pm. After lunch we ended up staying at the Cloud than going to do the next activity because we had to go on the train in a bit. But we still got to watch some awesome BMX bikers. While my group was watching the BMX bikers we got free ice-cream. Being amazed by stunts took off being at the Cloud so after more minutes we had to go back to Papakura. We got back at about 2:45 but I went home at 3:00pm. When I got home I kicked off my shoes and had a longggg nap.
By Taya
Finally the train stopped and we can hop off. Wondering what I’m talking about, I’ll explain it. So me, my teacher Mrs Campbell, Amani-Grace, Amani-Grace’s mum, Telesia-June, Trey, Alayna, Franki, Lauren, Olivet, Hayley, Riley, Teri-Rose and Leslie on the 9th of November went to a Travelwise Celebration. I will tell you about Travelwise if you don’t know what travelwise is. Travelwise is a program to make schools travel safer, healthier and funner. Anyways let’s get back into the celebration. So me and all the others traveled from Papakura to Britomart. If you know what the Cloud is you will know what I’m talking about, so we went to the Cloud and had a packet of chips and two cookies for morning tea. Yum! The first activity started at 11:00 am but before we left the Cloud to the Maritime Museum, they announced the winners for Gold, Silver and Bronze. But guess what Papakura Central School came Bronze along with heaps of other schools. Time passed by while we were hunting the answers to old things. The one that I liked was the Sir Peter Blake with his red socks because we got a badge for Sir Peter Blake. At 12:00pm it was lunch, average lunch but at 12:00 pm instead of 12:30 pm. After lunch we ended up staying at the Cloud than going to do the next activity because we had to go on the train in a bit. But we still got to watch some awesome BMX bikers. While my group was watching the BMX bikers we got free ice-cream. Being amazed by stunts took off being at the Cloud so after more minutes we had to go back to Papakura. We got back at about 2:45 but I went home at 3:00pm. When I got home I kicked off my shoes and had a longggg nap.
Room 1's First Swim in the Newly Painted PCS Pool
Room 1 dipped into the PCS Pool this morning (by the way we love the newly painted pool - Thank you). About 18 stduents from Room 1 and some from Room 14 (their class was split today) enjoyed the refreshing warmth of the swimming pool.
Roti Making with Room 1
Hayley and Ryleigh were the photographers yesterday when Diya's mum (Neerja Rana) and Kirpal's mum (Gurpreet) came and made roti with Room 1.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Travelwise Celebration - Friday 9th November 2018 - The Cloud
Travelwise - The Cloud
On the 9th Travelwise went to The Cloud in Auckland City by the train station. The Cloud is on a wharf. There were thousands of students! Our school got Bronze - lots of other schools got a Bronze certificate too. If you have been to The Cloud you know what it is like/It is long!. In our group there were 12 people. If my mum didn't come only 6 people would be able to come. The people in our group was Hayley, Franki, Leslie, Teri-Rose, Amani-Grace, Telesia-June, Alayna, Taya, Trey & Olivet. Some of the senior students that went to camp but were in Travelwise were Jasonna, Ellie, Rajbir, Shayla, Jordana & Mia. At The Cloud Morning tea was provided which was 2 biscuits, 1 water bottle & 1 chip packet. Travelwise is free! There was a man on a bike-that you could ride on the road. Travelwise is all about Keeping Kids safe so if you are an adult or parent please slow down around schools. Photos to come...
On the 9th Travelwise went to The Cloud in Auckland City by the train station. The Cloud is on a wharf. There were thousands of students! Our school got Bronze - lots of other schools got a Bronze certificate too. If you have been to The Cloud you know what it is like/It is long!. In our group there were 12 people. If my mum didn't come only 6 people would be able to come. The people in our group was Hayley, Franki, Leslie, Teri-Rose, Amani-Grace, Telesia-June, Alayna, Taya, Trey & Olivet. Some of the senior students that went to camp but were in Travelwise were Jasonna, Ellie, Rajbir, Shayla, Jordana & Mia. At The Cloud Morning tea was provided which was 2 biscuits, 1 water bottle & 1 chip packet. Travelwise is free! There was a man on a bike-that you could ride on the road. Travelwise is all about Keeping Kids safe so if you are an adult or parent please slow down around schools. Photos to come...
Roti Making
Today Room 1 made roti with Diya's mum (Diya from Room 12) and Kirpal's mum (from Room 6 Hub). The students split into 2 groups and I sent Ryleigh and Hayley Rotherham over with their chromebooks to take some photos. I think the girls did a great job. Ryleigh thanks very much for creating this slideshow.
PS Everyone loved the potato roti - thanks very much.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Avatar Maker
Shayla, Emma, and Ellie from Kahikatea hub showed Room 1 how to create their own avatar and add cool text. Most of the students found this easy and lots of fun.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Replying to Comments
In this activity I was learning how to reply to blog comments. In this slideshow you will be able to find out for yourself what a reply must, should and could include. Please check out other student's blogs from Room 1's.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Quality Blog Comments
Anglea has been teaching us that blog comments need to be positive, thoughtful and helpful. Taya was the first to finish her comments on four student's blogs in our class. Check out the comments that she made on each of her four blog posts and make a comment. As soon as the rest of the class has completed their quality blog comments they will be uploaded to their blog also.
Taya's Speech - Bullying
Room 1, Room 2, Room 14, Room 12 and Room 11 have been performing poems and speeches in anticipation for our Speech and Poem Recital Week 2, Term 4, Wednesday at 11am. Everyone is welcome to attend. Here is one of Room 1's Year 4 speeches. Great speech Taya.
Speech Cards
P.1 let’s go and punch her because she’s smart’’. ‘‘ let’s go put a kick me sign on her back like we did yesterday’’. Hi my name is Taya and I have one question for you Have you ever been bullied? Bullying is when you or a group repeatedly say or do things hurtful to another person.
P.2 Bullying is an unhealthy habit to get into because if your hurting a person it could damage their life. There are many types of bullying today I’m going to talk about four kinds of bullying. Cyber bullying, Physical bullying, Verbal bullying and social bullying.
P.3 Cyber bullying is when you can get hold of a strangers or a person you knows email or cell phone number and start writing and sending hurtful comments. Those comments can make a person feel bad about themselves.
P.4 Another type of bullying is physical bullying which is when you hurt another person on purpose. This includes kicking, hitting, spitting, tripping, pinching and even frightening another person. If a bully does that to you, you could get badly injured.
P.5 The next one is verbal bullying. This is where you get name called all the time. It may be a nickname that someone gives you that they think is funny but it actually really hurts your feelings. Being called a name one two many times can hurt you more than a punch or a hit.
P.6 Lastly is social bullying. This is when you or groups ignore or leave me out on purpose. When you do that it leaves me feeling lonely and as if I have no friends.
P.7 sometimes these types of bullying can happen all at once like if I hit you and call you names. Remember if someone does that to you or someone you know then you should stand up to them by telling a person you trust like your parents or even your teacher.
P.8 If you let bullying go on it changes you. You become sadder and can affect the way you sleep, eat and get along with others. You may stop doing the things you used to enjoy and you may stop doing your best work at school.
P.9 In serious cases a you may feel so bullied that you change schools or you may think about attempting suicide. I hope you have learnt something from my speech and that you will think about the way you treat others.
Speech Cards
P.1 let’s go and punch her because she’s smart’’. ‘‘ let’s go put a kick me sign on her back like we did yesterday’’. Hi my name is Taya and I have one question for you Have you ever been bullied? Bullying is when you or a group repeatedly say or do things hurtful to another person.
P.2 Bullying is an unhealthy habit to get into because if your hurting a person it could damage their life. There are many types of bullying today I’m going to talk about four kinds of bullying. Cyber bullying, Physical bullying, Verbal bullying and social bullying.
P.3 Cyber bullying is when you can get hold of a strangers or a person you knows email or cell phone number and start writing and sending hurtful comments. Those comments can make a person feel bad about themselves.
P.4 Another type of bullying is physical bullying which is when you hurt another person on purpose. This includes kicking, hitting, spitting, tripping, pinching and even frightening another person. If a bully does that to you, you could get badly injured.
P.5 The next one is verbal bullying. This is where you get name called all the time. It may be a nickname that someone gives you that they think is funny but it actually really hurts your feelings. Being called a name one two many times can hurt you more than a punch or a hit.
P.6 Lastly is social bullying. This is when you or groups ignore or leave me out on purpose. When you do that it leaves me feeling lonely and as if I have no friends.
P.7 sometimes these types of bullying can happen all at once like if I hit you and call you names. Remember if someone does that to you or someone you know then you should stand up to them by telling a person you trust like your parents or even your teacher.
P.8 If you let bullying go on it changes you. You become sadder and can affect the way you sleep, eat and get along with others. You may stop doing the things you used to enjoy and you may stop doing your best work at school.
P.9 In serious cases a you may feel so bullied that you change schools or you may think about attempting suicide. I hope you have learnt something from my speech and that you will think about the way you treat others.
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
A Huhu Grub in my Sandwich
A Huhu Grub in my Sandwich
Some days at school are not so good
You can't remember things you should
Your friends don't help - they laugh at you
Your lunch box is depressing too
There's a huhu grub in my sandwich
And a pukeko in my head
And my brain won't do
What I want it to
And I wish I'd stayed in bed
Your bike has a flat tyre when
You need to ride it home again
And you're not in the team they pick
You eat a piethat makes you sick
There's a huhu grub in my sandwich
And a pukeko in my head
And my brain won't do
What I want it to
And wish I'd stayed in bed
It's stinking hot, you've lost your hat
And someone's nicked your cricket bat
Your friends are mean - you let off steam
The day seems like a long, bad dream
There's a huhu grub in my sandwich
And a pukeko in my head
And my brain won't do
What I want it to
And I wish I'd stayed in bed
Air Raid
Air Raid
The world is full of plastic bags
They're living everywhere
At supermarket checkouts
Or fluttering in the air
Pale jellyfish against the light
They float across the sky
Or split or torn, like roadkill squashed
On muddy pavements lie
If all these earth-worn groundlings
Should join their friends in flight
They'll form a mighty legion
And conquer earth by night
In parachute formation
Descending in a rush
They'll clog the sun, and stifle spring
And turn the sea to slush
The world is full of plastic bags
They're lurking everywhere
Until the time comes to arise
And suffocate the air
The Kite
The Kite
It's swooping and bucking over my head. When
I think it will nose-dive, it soars up instead.
It circles and skims in the hazy blue air.
A red dragon face grinning down
on me here. Pulling the
strings I keep it in play,
and it plummets and
rears till
Another Poem
Sandy Song
Down at the beach
In hot summer weather,
Sand, sea, sun, salt -
All mixed together.
Sun all shimmery,
Sea all blue.
Waves brushing over me
With special salt glue.
Sand all gritty
Sticks to my hair.
Sand salty on my tongue,
Sand everywhere.
Sand between my fingers,
Sand between my toes.
Sand crunchy on my teeth,
Tickling my nose.
Sand on the car seats
At the end of the day.
Sea gleams and glitters
As the sun slides away.
Philippa Werry
Down at the beach
In hot summer weather,
Sand, sea, sun, salt -
All mixed together.
Sun all shimmery,
Sea all blue.
Waves brushing over me
With special salt glue.
Sand all gritty
Sticks to my hair.
Sand salty on my tongue,
Sand everywhere.
Sand between my fingers,
Sand between my toes.
Sand crunchy on my teeth,
Tickling my nose.
Sand on the car seats
At the end of the day.
Sea gleams and glitters
As the sun slides away.
Philippa Werry
My Yellow World
I would love to live in a yellow world.
I would live in a yellow house with a matching yellow roof.
My garden would have beaming bright yellow daffodils,
tall dandelions, and small daisies swaying in the grass.
I would eat yummy yellow food.
Cheddar cheese, brilliant bananas, sweet baby corn,
melted vanilla ice cream, juiced lemons, and cold custard.
I would wear a dress with yellow peppers printed on it
and some trousers with a picture of a bee.
I would wear shoes the colour of a fluffy chick.
My yellow world would make me happy,
and I would smile as bright as the shining sun.
My world is yellow because my favourite colour is... yellow!
I would live in a yellow house with a matching yellow roof.
My garden would have beaming bright yellow daffodils,
tall dandelions, and small daisies swaying in the grass.
I would eat yummy yellow food.
Cheddar cheese, brilliant bananas, sweet baby corn,
melted vanilla ice cream, juiced lemons, and cold custard.
I would wear a dress with yellow peppers printed on it
and some trousers with a picture of a bee.
I would wear shoes the colour of a fluffy chick.
My yellow world would make me happy,
and I would smile as bright as the shining sun.
My world is yellow because my favourite colour is... yellow!
Re Poem Recital and Speech Competition
If you need any help with your speech or poem please let me know - m.campbell@papakura-central.school.nz
Sunday, 30 September 2018
Robber Cat
Sly old robber Fattyface
Has magnets on her paws
For opening kitchen cupboards
And refrigerator doors.
She robs a house, then vanishes.
All the owner sees
Are pawprints in the butter
And toothmarks in the cheese.
Here's another poem!
Has magnets on her paws
For opening kitchen cupboards
And refrigerator doors.
She robs a house, then vanishes.
All the owner sees
Are pawprints in the butter
And toothmarks in the cheese.
Here's another poem!
When you are reading each night to your child or children since we have been focussing on inferring ask them how the character is feeling (the feelings may change throughout the text).
Spaghetti is loopy,
Spaghetti is droopy.
It's floppy
and ploppy
and sloppy
and gloppy.
It dribbles and dangles
and gets into tangles.
Is there some more in the pot?
I like it a lot!
Pauline Cartwright
I popped into school today and found this poem in a School Journal - Part 1 Number 4 2001.
Spaghetti is loopy,
Spaghetti is droopy.
It's floppy
and ploppy
and sloppy
and gloppy.
It dribbles and dangles
and gets into tangles.
Is there some more in the pot?
I like it a lot!
Pauline Cartwright
I popped into school today and found this poem in a School Journal - Part 1 Number 4 2001.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Poem Recital
Room 1 are learning to recite a chosen poem for our Poetry Recital Week 2 of Term 4 or write a speech. This is one of them.
Remember to look on our class site homepage to find the 3 slides with information on for our speech and poetry recitals. Over the holidays you need to practise your speech and memorise your poem so that you are ready to present it Week 1 of Term 4 to the class and the following week (Week 2) is the Poem and Speech Recitals in the Auditorium. Please support your child/children over the holidays to learn their speech and poem and listen to them practise.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Turning Negative Comments Into Positive Comments
Ryleigh in Room 1 was reading a negative comment and turning it into a positive comment. I think Ryleigh you have thought carefully and turned your negative comment into a great positive comment. I look forward to your feedback, so please write a comment on this post.
Posting Public and Private Information Online
Kaizer in Room 1 created a word cloud to show what information should be posted online privately and publicly. I look forward to your feedback, so please write a comment on this post.
Quality Blog Posts
This is one of my student's work (Josiah) where we were learning what to include in a Quality Blog Post. I have posted this because it is easy to read, follow and understand. I look forward to your feedback, so please leave a comment on this post.
Friday, 13 July 2018
Home Links and Writing Books
Term 3 Homework is going to include some Maths Homework as well as your spelling lists sent home at the end of Term 1 and a reader and/or chapter book each night. There will also be some handwriting practise.
Please make sure you have a Home Links exercise book which is a 1i5 and also a new Writing Book which is also a 1i5 if you have finished your first Writing Book or have almost finishedit as it is nice to have all of your writing in one spot and not on loose pieces of paper until you purchase a new book.
I hope you are enjoying the holidays - I took Michael and Nadia to the Royal Reserve at Massey yesterday and the playground was fantastic - but even more impressed with the bike/scooter track (that was definitely the highlight). Pizza Hutt is just close by at Westgate or someone recommended Toby's Takeaways close by. They even have a couple of bbqs if you take your own food to cook.
On Playground Auckland
Please make sure you have a Home Links exercise book which is a 1i5 and also a new Writing Book which is also a 1i5 if you have finished your first Writing Book or have almost finishedit as it is nice to have all of your writing in one spot and not on loose pieces of paper until you purchase a new book.
I hope you are enjoying the holidays - I took Michael and Nadia to the Royal Reserve at Massey yesterday and the playground was fantastic - but even more impressed with the bike/scooter track (that was definitely the highlight). Pizza Hutt is just close by at Westgate or someone recommended Toby's Takeaways close by. They even have a couple of bbqs if you take your own food to cook.
On Playground Auckland
Royal reserve
An amazing feature papatākaro(playground) that has a lot to offer. To many cool things to list. Watch the vid and seefor yourself
😃What’s not in the video is a massive retireti(slide(not open as yet), public wharepaku(toilets), huge fields and 4 covered bbqs. Our Whanau(family) spent a couple of hāora(hours) there having a great time. There are still areas blocked off to let the grass grow. Take your scooters or bike as there’s a great area for learning to ride. The papatākaro caters for ages 6months-100years. Have a great time.

Mauri ora
Monday, 9 July 2018
Posting comments
Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about
Sunday, 8 July 2018
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Variety Show Performance
After performing to PCS students on Friday after a busy week. Well done Room 1. We could not have done without help - thank you to Anita (Alex's mum) for working with the students on their routine and doing our make-up - it looked fantastic!, Christelle (Amani-Grace's mum) for doing the make-up on the children and for the amzing headbands (ears), Keri (Logan's mum) for helping with the make-up too.
Thank you also to Hayley Rotherham and Atlanta Taylor for creating their own dog ears - they looked wonderful. Thank you also Amani-Grace for creating the lovely headbands for the sheep. A big shout out to all the parents/caregivers that got the student's costumes organised - I know some gumboots etc had to be bought and especially for making it possible for the students to be at the night shows. We couldn't have done without them - it was very much appreciated.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Variety Show Performance
What a successful night for our first Variety Show Performance tonight. Thanks to all of the parents from Room 1 that dropped off their children or went to the show.
I really appreciated our wonderful face painters tonight - Logan's mum, Amani's mum and Alex Imlach's mum. We couldn't have done it without you - the make-up looked amazing. The costumes looked really good - thank you for getting these costumes for your children.
Thanks again Anita (Alex's mum) for the fabulous dance routine and the time spent teaching and supporting these children. They did so great!!
See you the same time Thursday night.
I really appreciated our wonderful face painters tonight - Logan's mum, Amani's mum and Alex Imlach's mum. We couldn't have done it without you - the make-up looked amazing. The costumes looked really good - thank you for getting these costumes for your children.
Thanks again Anita (Alex's mum) for the fabulous dance routine and the time spent teaching and supporting these children. They did so great!!
See you the same time Thursday night.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Team Building Day 15th of June
Team Building Day Shared lunch 12:00 instead of 12:30 remember to bring a drink bottle, morning tea and mufti.You don't have to bring a gold coin. Wear house colours if you have them, however do not go and buy something especially if you don't.
Remember your shared lunch!!
Remember your shared lunch!!
Teambuilders Team
Teambuilders Team planning for Taya, Amani, Jacob, Blake and Alayna planning their Menu for their shared lunch. Taya is bringing chupa chups and thinly cut ready salted chips, Amani is bringing homemade brownie with some plates and spoons, Jacob is bringing fruit salad, Blake ham and cheese pizza and Alayna apple juice and plastic cups.
Planning for our Team Building Day Shared Lunch
Kaizer, Koshik, Trey and Ryleigh organising their Menu for Team Building Day this Friday 15th June.
Kaizer is bringing fresh pineapple, Koshik is bringing biscuits, Trey is bringing chocolate and Ryleigh is bringing cheese pizza.
Sunday, 10 June 2018
Parents What do you think?
Telesia-June and her mum had a wonderful idea of asking parents what would be a great balanced diet lunch for each group for Team Building Day on Friday 15th June. The children can think about an entree, a main and a dessert.
What are your thoughts?
Saturday, 9 June 2018
There is a kite flying competition on Tuesday at lunch-time on Week 8 - Tuesday 19th June - see slide two. The students can create a kite at home for homework if they wish to compete in this.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Passwords by Ryleigh
Room 1 has been learning how important it is to choose a password that is not easy for other people to guess.
All About Me
Room 1 have been getting ready for blogging as soon the students will have their own blog each.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Amani-Grace's Digital Footprint Activity - the last one posted was Alayna's
Taya's Digital Footprint Activity:Private or Public
Digital Footprint: Public or Private
Room1 was learning about our digital footprint. We learnt that some things are not put online because they are private.Other things can be shared publicly. This will be very important when they start using their blogs later this term. This is one example of a student's work (Jacob).
Saturday, 7 April 2018
We were fortunate to sign up for school kit - which included us writing metaphors and completing a poster to send to another school. We sent ours to Dalefield School (this school sounds amazing and much like where I taught in Blenheim - 4 teachers although their four teachers include the principal). We loved reading their poster and metaphors - we will post some here on our blog as well as some of ours.
There were many that stuck but the one I would love to share to inspire Room 1 - Mangatarere Hub is a rubber band...we keep stretching ourselves. May that become our motto in Room 1 too. Thanks for sharing this wonder metaphor.
There were many that stuck but the one I would love to share to inspire Room 1 - Mangatarere Hub is a rubber band...we keep stretching ourselves. May that become our motto in Room 1 too. Thanks for sharing this wonder metaphor.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Chromebook Care Using Google Drawing
Taya created a google drawing comic strip to share with her audience on how to use her chromebook safely.
Jacob created a google drawing poster on how he is going to take care of his chromebook.
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
It was exciting to come back to school today and hear about what everyone got up to over the Easter break. The chocolate Easter Bunny Diya was a great motivation for our writing today as we wrote a description on a exciting event. If I had a chance I would have written about one of the Easter Egg Hunts I took my children to in the weekend.
Reminder: We are swimming everyday still except Tuesday. Lots of students didn't swim today. Students need to bring their togs everyday unless they are sick and a note is required please.
On Friday at 815am-845am is the next Kawa of Care Meeting regarding chromebooks in the Auditorium.
Reminder: We are swimming everyday still except Tuesday. Lots of students didn't swim today. Students need to bring their togs everyday unless they are sick and a note is required please.
On Friday at 815am-845am is the next Kawa of Care Meeting regarding chromebooks in the Auditorium.
Sunday, 1 April 2018
I hope you are having a wonderful Easter break.
Just a few reminders for this week:
Tuesday is a holiday (day after Easter Monday)
We do not swim Wednesday of this week (Week 9)
You need to bring your book bag to school every day and your homework notebook inside of it.
Just a few reminders for this week:
Tuesday is a holiday (day after Easter Monday)
We do not swim Wednesday of this week (Week 9)
You need to bring your book bag to school every day and your homework notebook inside of it.
Room 1 welcomes you to our class blog. We are a Year3/4 class.
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